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Food needs from Alzheimer Hellas

Food needs from Alzheimer Hellas

In the autumn of 2022, the association founded the boarding program “Panagia Glykofilousa,” which accommodates 25 patients with late-stage dementia

Food needs from the Social Grocery Store of the Municipality of Lamia

Food needs from the Social Grocery Store of the Municipality of Lamia

The Social Grocery of the Municipality of Lamia has been operating since 2017 and supports a total of 180 families facing social exclusion

Upfield Hellas against food waste

Upfield Hellas against food waste

Till today the company has saved and offered, through Boroume, more than 120,000 portions of food to 10 charitable organizations

Rescue & Food Offering Partnerships: Caritas Athens

Rescue & Food Offering Partnerships: Caritas Athens

The long-term cooperation of Caritas Athens with the team of "Boroume", employees and volunteers, is always characterized by courtesy, professionalism, trust and mutual respect

Food needs from the organization  “Symvallein”

Food needs from the organization “Symvallein”

Today it operates four in-house Psychosocial Rehabilitation Units in the Athens area

Rescue & Food Offering Partnerships: EPAPSY - Accomodation Unit in Penteli

Rescue & Food Offering Partnerships: EPAPSY - Accomodation Unit in Penteli

The contact of EPAPSY with Boroume comprises of several years of friendly and harmonious cooperation

Food waste is high on the EU's environmental agenda

Food waste is high on the EU's environmental agenda

The relevant legislative proposal of the European Commission is expected in 2023 in the context of the upcoming revision of the waste legislation

Date labels on food: How they are connected to food waste

Date labels on food: How they are connected to food waste

Up to 10% of food waste generated annually in the EU are linked to date marking