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Social Hackathon – The power of one day

Social Hackathon – The power of one day

In September we had the opportunity to participate in an unprecedented, unique experience, that of Social Hackathon – the power of one day!

We are changing office, and continuing our action with enthusiasm!

We are changing office, and continuing our action with enthusiasm!

Friday 25 October was our last day at the old House of Boroume, which we so loved, as it was not only our first, but here our team's heart has been beating for the past seven years.

Boroume at the expert workshop “Preparing recommendations for reducing food waste in the EU”

Boroume at the expert workshop “Preparing recommendations for reducing food waste in the EU”

A few days ago we had the honour of participating in the meeting of the sub-group "Action and Implementation" of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste in Brussels.

Boroume participates in the conference "Sharing Futures"

Boroume participates in the conference "Sharing Futures"

On 26-27 September, we had the honour of participating in the specialised workshop "Sharing Futures" of the Trinity University of Dublin SHARECITY programme with funding from the European Research Council.

Boroume is awarded with 4 stars in the NPOs evaluation project "Thales II"

Boroume is awarded with 4 stars in the NPOs evaluation project "Thales II"

From our first day of operation here at Boroume we have strived to continually improve the impact of our actions, our effectiveness and especially the high level of transparency of the organization.

The story of a lonely garbage bin

The story of a lonely garbage bin

You can watch the story of a lonely garbage bin in the video below.

Volunteer for 1 hour and offer hundreds of pounds of fruit and vegetables to people in need

Volunteer for 1 hour and offer hundreds of pounds of fruit and vegetables to people in need

How can you achieve this? You can do it very easily by participating in the program "Boroume at the Farmer’s Market" in Athens or Thessaloniki.

August 23: A summer day at the House of Boroume

August 23: A summer day at the House of Boroume

August 23 and the phone calls we took for food offerings at the House of Boroume were again a lot for another day.