
The total annual food waste in the European Union is estimated at 58.5 million tons

Thu 16 March 2023

58.5 million tons (about 131 kg / per capita), is the total estimate - at EU level – of food waste annually.

These revised data were published a few days ago by Eurostat, following the submission of data from 4 more EU member states, based on their national levels of food waste for the reference year 2020 (one more Member State to finalize EU-27 figures).

 The total above quantity for all 5 stages of the food value chain is distributed as follows (in millions of tons):

 primary production: 6.1
processing and manufacturing: 11.8
retail and other food distribution: 4.1
restaurants and catering services: 5.3
households: 31.3 

It is recalled that according to the data submitted by the competent authorities at the national level, the total - at all stages of the food value chain - annual food waste in Greece amounts to more than 2 million tons (edible and inedible parts of food). 

At the extraordinary meeting, convened by the European Commission, of the EU Platform for Food Losses and Waste, in which Boroume participates, there was an update and exchange of views on the new data on food waste at the EU level, according to the data (data or in the absence of such estimates) submitted by the Member States for first time based on a single measurement methodology framework. 

Their implications for food waste prevention and the establishment of legally binding reduction targets at EU level were further discussed. The quantitative starting point (baseline) against which the legally binding reduction targets will be set will be the above figures for 2020. The foreseen impact assessment is ongoing and the relevant legislative proposal of the European Commission is expected for next June.

* image and data source: Eurostat