
The Motivational Power of Boroume # 21

Wed 08 June 2022

Our volunteers remain our strength! Marina Zapounidou is in the group of volunteers of the program "Boroume at the Farmers’ Market” in Thessaloniki. From the first contact she had with volunteering during the Lockdown period, two years later Marina has integrated volunteering and social contribution into her daily life. 

A few words about you: I am a sound technician and I deal with music and sound at a professional level in concerts, nightclubs, studios, radio and events. I live in Thessaloniki.

Why did you decide to become a volunteer: The decision to volunteer was somewhat cyclical. During Lockdown there was free time and I wanted to do something substantial. My involvement in volunteering started with a visit with a friend to the "Albatross" structure. I really admired the effort of the people and their work. The contact with Alexandros Bulgourtzis, who offered to help, was also crucial. So I became a volunteer in "Boroume at the Farmers’ Market" and that was the beginning! For me, my participation in the program is something very special and at the same time instructive. From the first moment I loved the action very much.

How easy / difficult is it for you to talk to someone about volunteering: 
It is easy to talk about volunteering because when you become a volunteer and offer selflessly, the words come out on their own.

What reactions do you get: The reactions are mainly reactions of admiration and words of reward "well done", "what you are doing is very nice”, etc. 

How easy it is not to throw food: Volunteering teaches you to respect everything! So you slowly start to think very seriously about whether you will throw away some food or whether there is a possibility to use it, something you have not thought about before.

How would you describe in three words the team of "Boroume": The team of "Boroume" means responsibility, cooperation and most especially confidence. 

Share with us an incident from the action of the "Boroume at the Farmers’ Market" program that impressed you: What we experience in farmers’ markets cannot fit into a few lines. What can I mention first? Christmas Eve, in the farmer’s market of Sykies, an elderly producer, put eggs into my shopping cart with great joy and love to offer them to people in need. But I am always impressed by a producer called Gerakina who donates almost all her stand every time we go to the farmers’market at Depot! And I say it without a trace of exaggeration! "Boroume at the Farmers’ Market" is a very distinctive and doctrinal action. Producers and sellers are very pleased to offer their products because they trust Boroume’s work.