Στο πλαίσιo του προγράμματος συνολικά 27 μαθητές και μαθήτριες έγιναν εθελοντές food saving heroes
The report published by the European Commission includes the "Alliance for the Reduction of Food Waste" coordinated by Boroume
The only way to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 is through strengthening collaborative efforts to eliminate food waste at all stages of the food value chain,
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Can we save & offer €15.5 million food portions from hundreds of points in Greece supporting hundreds of charitable organizations of all kinds?
One of the aims of the voluntary agreement "Alliance for the Reduction of Food Waste" in Greece, coordinated by Boroume, is the exchange of knowledge, the dissemination of good practices, as well as the promotion of synergies
In the framework of a combination of our programs "Boroume at school" and "Boroume at the Farmers’ Market", the students of Doukas School
Many thanks to the people of DELTA Foods for their excellent cooperation in initiatives and actions with significant social and environmental impact!