We warmly thank Vodafone for the practical support of our program "Boroume at School", which has been transmitted over the past 5 months to over 3,000 students who had the opportunity to learn in an interactive and fun way why it's good not to waste food, to help our fellow human beings and how beautiful it is to be a volunteer!
The main purpose of the program "Boroume at School" is to inform and raise awareness among children about the issue of food waste while through activities that have been designed, the children discover at the same time notions such as volunteering and community involvement.
For the implementation of the program, rich learning resources have been created with useful information about the topic of food wastage and various activities (verbal exercises, artistic activities, activities of expressing emotions and ideas etc.), on relevant topics. Children through the activities of the program have the opportunity to find out about the problem of food waste, to explore and get to know the causes and to learn what are the possible solutions and ways to tackle the problem.
Once again, a big thanks to Vodafone that through the program Vodafone World of Difference this year 10 young people have been given the opportunity to work in charitable nonprofit organization of their choice, sponsoring their salary. We are particularly happy because the program enables us to further develop our activity in the program "Boroume at School” through the full-time employment of Eirini Zafiri, a volunteer in our organisation from 2013.