
Earth Day 2020

Wed 22 April 2020

Today, as every year on this day, we celebrate Earth Day with hope, optimism and action!

Hope we draw from the fact that from a small initiative a few years ago, Boroume has mobilized thousands of our friends to save and offer food either as donors, as volunteers, or as partners in hundreds of charitable organizations throughout Greece.

We derive optimism from the fact that with limited means, but with passion and love for the environment and helping others as driving force, we have saved and offered more than 36 million food portions, which would have otherwise ended up in the garbage burdening the environment.

The action is in the DNA of Boroume and is defined as the daily creation of synergies and collaborations of many parties involved, always aiming to reduce food waste and increase food support in Greece.

So we wish you a beautiful Earth Day with hope, optimism and action, for which you can take inspiration here

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