
Circular Economy in Food

Thu 10 January 2019

The transition towards a Circular Economy in Food aims at the sustainable use of – limited– resources, optimum use of food, as well as the reuse of resources and optimum management of side/waste streams.

As in dealing with any problem, so in the event of food waste, a phenomenon with serious social, environmental and economic consequences, prevention is certainly an optimum solution. Primarily prevention at source and alternatively the use for human consumption (e.g. redistribution of surplus food for charitable purposes).

In the hierarchy of most preferable options, as shown in the pictured "reverse pyramid", follows the use for animal feed, then the bioeconomy applications, and finally uses for production/recovery of energy.

Landfill disposal should, of course, be avoided at any cost. It is worth noting that food decomposed in the landfill emits methane, which is 25 times more harmful than carbon dioxide in terms of the greenhouse effect.

Boroume’s team will continue with perseverance and enthusiasm to implement and promote the best solutions for tackling food waste!

Sources: Feedback, Dutch Taskforce Circular Economy in Food