
5th regular Meeting of NEMESIS partners

Tue 30 July 2019

For two days in June we had the pleasure of participating in the all-partners Meeting of the NEMESIS project in Sheffield, England.

During our stay in Sheffield we had the great joy and honor to be shown around the amazing school by the 9-year-old "tour guides"- pupils of Herringthorpe Elementary at the outskirts of the city. The pupils also presented us the three initiatives that have been launched on the occasion of their school's participation in the NEMESIS project and, like any other time in the past, we were enthused by the imagination, dynamism, responsibility and determination with which these young pupils approach social problems that concern them in their area.

NEMESIS is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project for the promotion of social innovation at all educational levels of European schools. The institutions involved come from 7 different EU countries and include schools and professors, social entrepreneurs (like Boroume), universities and researchers.