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The most impressive facts of food waste

The most impressive facts of food waste

In recent years, thanks to the extensive research on the phenomenon of food waste worldwide, many interesting facts have surfaced.

AEGEAN saves and offers food with the help of Boroume

AEGEAN saves and offers food with the help of Boroume

All of Boroume’s activities focus on reducing food waste and increasing food supply, based on the fact that our partners, donors and recipient charities...

European framework for dealing with food waste

European framework for dealing with food waste

We are delighted that apart from strong activation and mobilization of civil society, initiatives have been taken to formulate policies to tackle food waste in European and global institutions.

100 loaves of bread were "saved" and offered from a bakery in Gyzi

100 loaves of bread were "saved" and offered from a bakery in Gyzi

Food waste can occur at many points of the food chain, such as, for example, from mishaps during food processing...

Over 3,000 students attended the program "Boroume at School" from the beginning of the year

Over 3,000 students attended the program "Boroume at School" from the beginning of the year

We warmly thank Vodafone for the practical support of our program "Boroume at School", which has been transmitted over the past 5 months to over 3,000 students...

Boroume’s Participation in the REFRESH Conference in Berlin

Boroume’s Participation in the REFRESH Conference in Berlin

We had the honor and pleasure to participate in the REFRESH Food Waste 2017 multi-stakeholder Conference in Berlin, which brought together leaders in food waste prevention, reduction and valorisation.

The new website of Boroume

The new website of Boroume

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the new website of Boroume, where everything revolves around reducing food waste and increasing food support in Greece.

World Book Day celebration with Dinosaur

World Book Day celebration with Dinosaur

With great pleasure, we celebrated this year's World Book Day with Boroume’s friend the Dinosaur, Antonis Papatheodoulou and Alexandra K*, Patakis Publications..