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Many thanks to Loulis Food Ingredients for their constant cooperation & support!

Many thanks to Loulis Food Ingredients for their constant cooperation & support!

Loulis Food Ingredients actively supports Boroume's message "Every meal matters"

2022: another year of outstanding performance for the “Boroume at the Farmers’ Market” program

2022: another year of outstanding performance for the “Boroume at the Farmers’ Market” program

192 tons of surplus produce from 36 farmers' markets in Attica and Thessaloniki were saved & offered to charitable institutions

Food Saving Heroes

Food Saving Heroes

We collected works from students who were inspired by "Boroume at School"

Launch of the European project CULTIVATE

Launch of the European project CULTIVATE

In the next four years, Boroume will have the great honor and pleasure to participate in CULTIVATE

The Barba Stathis company - a constant supporter in the work of Boroume!

The Barba Stathis company - a constant supporter in the work of Boroume!

From 2019 to 2022, the food that the company has offered through Boroume corresponds

Online awareness campaign about food waste

Online awareness campaign about food waste

The campaign was based on the findings of the research carried out by DEAPT in collaboration with Boroume & with the financing of the Green Fund

In 2022, 6,129 Food Saving Heroes were "born" in 42 regions of Greece

In 2022, 6,129 Food Saving Heroes were "born" in 42 regions of Greece

A big thank you should be given to the 124 teachers for their perfect cooperation & an even bigger one to the students who are developing into the most dynamic ambassadors of Boroume