Certification Scheme No Food Waste



The first Certification Scheme for companies and organizations to reduce food waste "NO FOOD WASTE", in cooperation with TÜV Austria Hellas


The Certification Scheme and the “NO FOOD WASTE” logo give the Organization the ability to:

  • Show its commitment to providing its products and services, thus ensuring the prevention of food waste
  • Significantly improve its environmental footprint while, at the same time, saving natural and financial resources
  • Strengthen its social footprint and its corporate and social responsibility by donating surplus food for charitable purposes (supporting socially vulnerable groups experiencing food insecurity or poverty)
  • Contribute to the broader awareness of the phenomenon of food waste and the dissemination of best practices for its prevention
  • Support the work and the actions of Boroume aiming to cope effectively with the food waste phenomenon all over Greece



  • This innovative service is addressed to all organizations in the food supply chain (primary production, processing, packaging, storage, wholesale and retail, services such as food services and hospitality), as well as other organizations that provide meals (e.g. educational institutions, health care facilities, etc.)
  • The Organization adopts and implements a holistic “No Food Waste" Policy-Commitment approach
  • The Organization develops continuously evaluated methods of food management and utilization, aimed at reducing and minimizing food waste at all stages of its operation
  • The Organization follows a development strategy for raising awareness and training of its employees, partners, customers, visitors and all stakeholders in general
  • Take the first step by submitting the Application for “ NO FOOD WASTE” Certification to TÜV Austria Hellas(find further information and the steps of the certification process here)


You can help!

To express your interest in the above program please call us at 2103237805 or email us at [email protected] so we can figure out how you can help us in a way that corresponds to your own wishes.