The participation of Boroume in programs funded by the EU aims at gaining expert knowledge regarding food waste, at developing and upgrading existing Boroume programs and at creating mutually beneficial multinational collaborations.
The confrontation of such a complex and multifaceted challenge as food waste presupposes the continuous quest of solutions, the creation of collaborations with every possible stakeholder, the obtainment of expert knowledge and the funding of new as well as the improvement of existing food saving programs.
Our experience has shown that such multinational collaborations with food saving experts are especially valuable for the implementation of new good practices, which have been tested abroad, in Greece (e.g. the creation of the Alliance for the Reduction of Food Waste).
Our active participation in the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste offers the opportunity to be involved in the creation of EU policies which will be implemented in the future at European and national level, as well as the presentation of good practices that Boroume is already implementing in Greece.
Boroume has already participated successfully in the following EU-funded projects: SavingFood (Horizon 2020), NEMESIS (Horizon 2020)
Currently, Boroume actively participates in the following EU-funded projects: FoodRescue (Erasmus+), CULTIVATE (Horizon 2020), SOULFOOD (European Social Fund)
Boroume participates, since its creation in 2016, in the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, arguably the most important forum regarding food waste in Europe.
You can help!
To express your interest in the above program please call us at 2103237805 or email us at [email protected] so we can figure out how you can help us in a way that corresponds to your own wishes.